Sunday, January 24, 2016

Limitless Potential

I keep thinking about potential. defines it simply as “possible, as opposed to actual.” Possible, but not actual until some action takes place.

I remember learning about potential energy as a kid. I would visualize that someone took action and threw a ball toward the top of a hill. The potential energy in that ball would be represented by water. The harder the ball was thrown, the higher it went. As it gained potential energy the ball filled with water. Obviously, at the very top of the hill, when the ball could no longer move upward, it was completely full. What an amazing place to be! At the very top of a hill, filled with potential, anything is possible. The action of throwing had great impact on the ball! My visualization, although simplistic, has transformed into the way I see students.

Picture the student as a ball. It fills and empties with water representing the student’s potential to be successful. The ball is moving across the plane of life. The plane consists of peaks and valleys representing both home life and school. When some action is taken that causes the ball to move through a valley, ultimately, all of the water is depleted, void of potential and nothing is possible. However, in the best environment and with the most delicate yet focused action, the ball can move steadily upward as it develops limitless potential. Limitless possibility.

Can you imagine the potential in your students? Do you really believe that anything is possible for them? Every action you take with students conveys a message. Every action. How do you ensure that your message moves students toward their potential? Relationships will help us have real conversations with students about their potential. They usually can’t see it themselves. What happens to students if we don’t take time to see it and take action to help them reach limitless potential? Make sure they know the sky's the limit!

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